Lobi Traore Group: The Lobi Traoré Group
Perhaps nowhere in African music is the link with American blues more raw and cogent than in the music of Mali’s Lobi Traore Band...
- Jugu (Enemy)
- Deni Kelen Be Koko (Lonely Girl by the Riverside)
- Kassi Ma Sumaya (Don’t Cry)
- Baba Kansay Kagni (Baba Kansay Is a Good Person)
- Yo Ya Yo
- Koro Duga Mele Bila (What Is Wrong with You?)
- Son Tani Gnini (Perfectionism)
- Bari Bola Mini De (Where’s This From?)
- Juguya Magni (Envy Is Bad)
- Dana Mogo (People You Can Depend On)
Lobi Traore: The Lobi Traore Group
Perhaps nowhere in African music is the link with American blues more raw and cogent than in the music of Mali’s Lobi Traore Band...