Phurpa: Trowo Phurnag Ceremony
’...drifting away from the field of contemporary electroacoustic and industrial music with the intent to delve deeper into the ancient musical cultures of the ancient Egypt, Iran and Tibet’...
- A1 Стослоговая мантра Бон (Fundamental Mantra of Bon)
- A2 Призыв (Introduction)
- A3 Визуализация (The Visualization)
- B1 Просьба о благословении и трансформация в божество I (Conferring Empowerment… I)
- C1 Просьба о благословении и трансформация в божество II (Conferring Empowerment… II)
- D1 Проявление свиты божества (Emanating The Retinue of The Deity)
- D2 Призыв к действию (The Charge To Action)
- D3 Подношения и молитвы (Puja Offering & Praises)
Stephen O'Malley comments: "Russian group led by the contemporary artist Alexei Tegin take on a traditional and ancient form of Tibetan ritual music by the name of Bon. While many familiar aspects will be revealed to the informed listener, the group Phurpa takes the polyphonic singing style to a lower key and a slower pace. Over the course of 4 LP sides this meditative listen unveils many spectral illusions and invigorating evolutions in sonic possibilities."